About LAS med Snežnikom in Nanosom
Local Action Group between Snežnik and Nanos (Slovenia)
The Local action group between Snežnik and Nanos is organized as a local contractual partnership established with a view to implementing the guidelines for local sustainable development in the area of the municipality of Ilirska Bistrica, the municipality of Pivka and the municipality of Postojna in Slovenia. Community-led Local Development (CLLD) is implemented through a bottom-up approach. This approach allows the local population to only set priorities and development orientations. The main challenge for CLLD is that through joint action, the development of local areas is accelerated, creating opportunities for job creation, higher quality of living, better accessibility, and last but not least, for the preservation of cultural and landscape characteristics and the management of demographic change.
The area on which the Local action group between Snežnik and Nanos carries out its activities has 973,2 km2. The area, which the LAG covers, has no town with more than 10,000 people. It is divided into three municipalities: Ilirska Bistrica (57 settlements), Pivka (29 settlements) and Postojna (40 settlements). The area covered by the LAG has 35.750 people (av. 36,73/km2).
LAG was established on founding meeting on September 11, 2015. The legal form in contractual partnership which have currently 22 partners today. LAG obtained the status of an active Local Action Group for the period of 2014-2020 by a decision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food dated in August 2016. LAG was allocated the total amount of 1.769.560 € for the implementation of Local Development Strategy. Because of implementation of CLLD, LAG allocated amount from EAFRD in the amount of 1.092.760 € and from ERDF in the amount of 676.800 €.
Slovenia has a specific way of implementation of cooperation projects – a special fund for TNC. LAG between Snežnik and Nanos was acquired an additional € 200,000 from this fund for the implementation of cooperation projects.
Lead partner of LAG is Society for Rural Development of the Land between Snežnik and Nanos, which is established of founding meeting on October 26, 2007. The Society has currently 125 members today. The Society had the status of an active Local Action Group for the period 2007-2013 by a decision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food dated July 31, 2008. In this period LAG was 100 registered and approved projects, implemented projects and 3 projects of cooperation. The LAG thus co-financed projects worth € 1.225.819,10, and was jointly invested in the LAG field a sum of € 2.399.131,20, which is an exceptional achievement. Average of co-financing was 51,09 % (with tax).
The strategic goals of the LAG between Snežnik and Nanos are:
In the framework of the Strategy, the following activities will be co-financed:
- creating green jobs, developing new products and services, creating local networks for joint activities, strengthening entrepreneurial skills;
- development of local markets, short supply chains and market organization and integration in agriculture;
- development of new, innovative forms of non-agricultural activities on farms, social entrepreneurship;
- environmental protection and conservation of nature and cultural heritage in the countryside;
- investing in the development of basic infrastructure, cultural, leisure and other activities, in particular those which contribute to the higher social inclusion of vulnerable groups identified, the promotion of intergenerational solidarity and cooperation.
- Encourage cooperation and integration and the introduction of innovative approaches to the area;
- Encourage entrepreneurship and create the conditions for opening new jobs;
- Preserve nature and the environment;
- Ensure the conditions for greater social cohesion and social inclusion of all population groups and the development of basic services.
In the framework of the Strategy, the following activities will be co-financed:
- creating green jobs, developing new products and services, creating local networks for joint activities, strengthening entrepreneurial skills;
- development of local markets, short supply chains and market organization and integration in agriculture;
- development of new, innovative forms of non-agricultural activities on farms, social entrepreneurship;
- environmental protection and conservation of nature and cultural heritage in the countryside;
- investing in the development of basic infrastructure, cultural, leisure and other activities, in particular those which contribute to the higher social inclusion of vulnerable groups identified, the promotion of intergenerational solidarity and cooperation.
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