For Authors
Author instruction
Attending authors will have the possibility to register within the "Early Bird" deadline till July 31st, but will be billed after Abstract approval September 15th, and will have the possibility to use the "Early Bird" fees.
Publishing authors not attending the conference will have the possibility to register within the "Early Bird" deadline till July 31st, but will be billed after Abstract approval September 15th, and will have the possibility to use the "Early Bird" fees.
Authors are invited to submit original papers (not being considered for publication elsewhere) in accordance to Authors Instruction. Submissions will be evaluated with respect to originality, significance, clarity, relevance and presentation.
STEP 1. Check the Conference themes on Welcome page.
STEP 2. Write the Abstract in English not exceeding 1500 letters, with up to 5 keywords.
STEP 3. Make the registration as early as possible.
STEP 4. Use the following mail to submit the abstract (or full paper, poster):
STEP 5. Wait for the response from the Scientific committee and further instructions.
STEP 6. You will receive the Conference payment instructions on your email provided through Authors online registration form.
Check the links below to download the guidelines for:
The authors of the accepted papers will be required to state whether they accept the proposed status of the paper, and their willingness to make the changes indicated by the reviewers.
Having declared their willingness to follow the reviewer's requirements, the author(s) agree to the following:
- to guarantee that the submitted paper has not been published, accepted for publication, or is under consideration for publication elsewhere;
- to release the copyright to the LEADER Network Croatia for the Conference Proceedings/Journal.
Papers, accepted by the Scientific Committee will be published in the Conference proceedings.
Following as international double blind peer-review process, selected papers will be published in Journal Agroeconomia Croatica (ISSN 1849-1146).
The papers should be send in English language.
The visual presentation should be made only in English language.
Important dates:
Abstract submission - from July 1st to September 1st 2019.
Abstract approval - September 15th 2019.
Full Paper submission deadline - November 1st 2019.
Poster submission deadline - November 1st 2019.
Deadline registration at early bird fees - July 31st 2019.
Deadline registration - October 31st 2019.
Conference Dates - November 20th to 22nd 2019.
Publishing of the Conference proceedings - April 30th 2020.
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